Sunday, April 18, 2010

Arma virumque cano

Just out of interest.
For those readers who did not have the good fortune (?) to study Latin at some point, the name of the blog you are reading right now is a direct reference to the opening line of the Aeneid - an epic poem by the Roman writer, Vergil. The poem tells the story of the Trojan hero, Aeneas, who is destined to become the ancestor of the Romans. According to legend he was one of the last men to escape the destruction of Troy - leading his wife and son out of the burning city while carrying his father on his back. He travels around the Mediterranean, including a pause in North Africa for a romantic interlude with the Carthaginian Queen Dido , before settling in Italy and defeating the local Latins. It's a good story filled with action and romance. But not too much. And the hero doesn't hesitate to abandon even a queen so that he may complete his mission - without considering the political ramifications.. (This leads to poor relations between the Carthaginians and the Romans for the rest of time.)

Anyway, Aeneas' direct descendant, Rhea Silvia, falls pregnant after an affair with Mars, the Roman god of war. (They meet in the forest...). Her sons are Romulus and Remus, who are raised in the forest by a she-wolf - with Romulus eventually founding Rome.
If you're interested there is more information here and here.

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