Thursday, February 25, 2010

Running Man

After the Chinese New year break I started running again. This is an act born out of necessity. The Lunar New Year involves gluttony and egregious drinking to the point that I started hiding in my room by Day 5. After the descent to sanity it became clear that if I was ever again to wear my existing pants and shirts with any vestige of dignity, severe action was called for.

Ergo the running.

Now I am no stranger to running. I learned how to do it at school, the SADF injected it into my DNA and my wife reminds me about it every morning when I dress. In years before, I ran long and even completed a marathon in each of 2005 and 2006. Although I did not qualify for the Olympics, I also was not casevaced by the Bus of Shame that picked up the DNFers.

Yet, now I feel as though I'm starting from running kindergarten again. My legs ache before, during and after I run. It's no fun and I believe neither am I pretty sight.

Also I fear that this plan will either drive me to religious fanaticism or alcohol as I alternately hallucinate about beer and pray on my evening runs...


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