Following on my Macbeth cauldron theme from yesterday.
Made a South African traditional "potjie" yesterday - on a charcoal fire. One Chicken. The whole bottle of wine went in to keep it company. The family dog ( a combination of husky and another - as yet unidentified - canine) did not leave my side for the 4 hours of cooking. The stew fed what seemed to be an entire platoon of kids.
Up at 0415 this morning. This is what happens when you take your vacation on a farm.
There is a company of marines up on the side of the hill nearby - they're attached to the very large Air Force Base that lies just north. I haven't heard them yet but I will soon. They make an ungodly amount of noise screaming at each other in the early morning. I don't get that. A nicely hidden base, camo nets etc. but everybody within earshot - and that's a distance of about 3 clicks on a cold morning - knows where they are.
Of course, if it was a training base that would be different. Nothing makes sense there. See below. Nobody would normally do this.

Ah, 20 years and 30 kilograms ago...
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